Well it has been a couple of months since I have updated the blog. The past couple of months have been busy with trips to Vegas and Mexico. In between that time I have been using the new RIB on occasion and so far so good.
The AB 430 VS has done well with two or three people aboard. On one outing with my friend and his father-in-law in late September and the RIB did an excellent job. Even with 3 grown men leaning to on side of the boat, there was no signs of tipping or listing. Just simply amazing. Let's see someone do that with their 14' aluminum boat!
I plan on doing some upgrades in the next couple of months. One that will happen probably soon is a Bimini top. The question is getting the mounts for the top on to the fabric. This will be interesting project. The other is to mount a bench seat and a console. I have gone back and forth with this and a console is definitely the way to go.
My current project is installing a fulton swing adapter to shorten my trailer. It is almost complete and I will have some photos of the difference.